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Designing Work Table, adjustable height
(Height Adjustment Table)

3.1 Duties
Designing a Work Table, which could give comfort to the wearer.

2.3 Translation Task (Clarification of Task)
3.2.1 Background Design
In general, people who work in offices spend more time behind a desk. One thing that is done routinely for years - years that surely lead to saturation.
But on the other hand, the demands of the workload often makes an employee can not take a break and without conscious waktupun passed quickly.
Departure from the mentioned problems, the authors design a desk that used to keep the wearer comfortable does not feel tired as this may affect the working produktivas. Here functions are preferred, then a design to follow the function, though convenient to use the desk to be adjusted with the working atmosphere had to be done the wearer to support their work.

3.2.2 List of the Will
Before we reach the specifications, we do not yet know the outlines of how the form of an adjustable desk height and what will be achieved with the existence of such a desk.
Therefore compiled a list of wishes. List will be listed first and then randomly arranged in a systematic and ultimately included in a format called specifications.
The first stage collected the desired ideas, the situation is still not regular, those ideas are as follows:

a. Table convenient to use.
b. Adjustable table height.
c. Easily assembled and disassembled.
d. Save space, the table does not take up much space.
e. Ancillary components are easily replaced, compact and lightweight.
f. Construction cost is not expensive.
g. In making a lot of absorbing labor.
h. Dependence on foreign technology to a minimum.
i. Can be made in bulk.
j. Forces and moments is used as efficiently as possible.
k. In the attempt is not too complex.
l. Relatively easy operation.
m. Can be operated by one person.
n. Safe for users.
o. Maintenance is easy.
p. Meet the criteria of beauty.
q. Can be developed as needed.
r. Easy to move, move.
s. Dibengkel medium can be made.
t. In the event of damage can be repaired in place.
u. Framework must be robust.
v. Resistant to corrosion.
w. Materials available in the country.

All data related to the task, namely solving goals, characteristics that must be owned, Didefinisinikan fully and clearly the will of the list

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